Tips for Choosing Bulletproof Equipment Level

 This is a short but helpful advice for quickly choosing right bulletproof equipment level

There are total 5 levels in NIJ 0101.06 rated as IIA, II, IIIA, III, IV. As a user, we acctualy don't need to know every details of each level. There are only 2 important level we need to be clear about: level IIIA and level IV.

If gun crime is the most concerns you are worried and want to pick up bullet proof vest, shield, panel for backpack for your familiy safety. you may need to know that 89% gun crime happens with handguns, and level IIIA soft ballistic armor or helmet will stop almost every handgun.  So level IIIA is my suggestion.

If you might be involved in active shooter situations or you want something to wear while hunting on public land, or even the military situation in the battlefiled, law enforcement duty on the operation against Gangs, you'll need rifle protection. This requires hard armor like our level IV ballistic ceramic plates. A level iv plate is capable of stop the Armor Piercing bullet, which means it is against almost all the most powerful rifile we know like AK47, NATO M80, M2 AP, Winchester.

If you need further advice or a professional source supplier, please free to contact us.

bulletproof plate helmet vest



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