Introduction of Health Gadgets - 448KHz Physios Pain Relief RET CET Device RF Monopolar Microwave Diathermy Tecar Therapy Machine

 When must Tecar be used?

* Acceleration of the warming up before physical activity
* Maintaining of the athletic preparation
* Muscle warming
* Preventive physiotherapy
* Preparation for massages
* Preparation for kinesiotherapy
* Muscular cooling down
* Passive muscle toning

Sport traumatology: carpal tunnel syndrome, impingement syndrome,contractures, bruises, joint dislocations, muscular strains, tendinitis, osteitis pubis, etc.

What kind of function does Tecar have?

Muscle relaxation
The precise and aimed effect of the Targeted Radiofrequency Therapy on the hypertonic muscle fibers causes their immediate relaxation. The effect of myorelaxation is primarily based on vasodilation, which occurs immediately during the therapy responsible for higher supply of nutrients into the tissue.

Tissue regeneration and healing
The improvement of tissue metabolism is a natural and valuable secondary outcome of the therapy. It leads to faster healing of the traumatized soft tissue and faster reabsorption of post-injury haematomas.

Edema reduction
The walls of the arterioles are enlarged and the precapillary sphincters relaxed, allowing increased local blood perfusion. This leads to an increase of the lymphatic processes (drainage) and subsequently to reduction of the edema.

Pain relief
The principal effect of the Targeted Radiofrequency Therapy–the pain relief–results from muscle relaxation, edema reduction, tissue regeneration and healing.

What are the advantages for patients?

Faster functional recovery. (The beneficial effects are apparent after just a few sessions and improvements can be observed even 24 hours after treatment.)

Treatment is painless, relaxing, safe and have high therapeutic efficacy.

Promotes a sense of well-being, predisposing the subject towards post-treatment physical activity.

Faster rehabilitation.


Is O448k-plus Tecar Therapy painful?

Tecar Therapy is not painful. During the treatment the patient feels a pleasant warm sensation, which make the therapy extremely comfortable.

Is O448k-plus Tecar Therapy dangerous?

Tecar Therapy is absolutely not dangerous.Tecar Therapy supplies energy to biological tissues generating a pleasant warmth. Therapy is comfortable and relaxing.

How many Therapy treatments are necessary?

The number of treatments required depends primarily upon the pathological condition of the patient and how the patient reacts to the therapy. For some acute pathologies, 3 to 5 treatments may be sufficient, while for chronic pathologies a greater number of treatments may be required. Obviously, in order to optimize therapeutic results, correct diagnosis is of fundamental importance.

How frequently can the patient be treated?

Normally the patient can be treated between 2 to 5 times a week. However, if necessary, more than one treatment can be carried out daily. The professional operator will define the number of treatments most suitable for the patient depending upon the state of the pathology.

How long does treatment take?

Tecar Therapy treatments can vary in duration from a few minutes to some tens of minutes, depending upon the pathology, the required effect and the size of the area to be treated.



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