How to Install Grease Trap in Restaurant Kitchen |

 According to the research of catering wastewater treatment process, in order to reduce the treatment cost and minimize the concentration of harmful substances in the effluent. So restaurant kitchen oil and water separator how to install? Below by the Pureenpower for you to introduce in detail.

Installation and maintenance of kitchen oil and water separator products

1.When installation , make sure to ensure that the whole equipment is in the same horizontal line , the equipment outlet is connected to the sewer drain pipe , and a collecting oil tank is set at the oil drain outlet of the equipment .

2.The hole with the slag barrier basket is the inlet and the other end is the outlet. The equipment can be used as long as the inlet and outlet are connected.Before the first use after installation, the oil separator must be filled with clear water. When the inlet pipe is installed, the inlet speed of the equipment should be kept as smooth as possible so as not to affect the oil insulation effect.

3.The tank inside the oil tank is adjustable, and the screw can adjust the water level of the tank.

4.Clean the slag separator and oil separator once a day to ensure smooth flow and improve the oil insulation effect.

5.Clean the slag tank and oil tank at least once a month, clean up the sediment and mud in the tank, and check whether the part is working properly. After cleaning, the equipment must be filled with clear water.

6.Separator partition is active, usually cleaning and maintenance can be removed from the partition, easy to clean.

Read this article to help you, in order to reduce sewage, must install oil-water separator. more knowledge about oil/water separator, all in pureenpower net.

Kitchen garbage waste oil and water separator



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