JEDEC Semiconductor Reliability Test and Specification

 JEDEC, a standardization organization in the semiconductor industry, develops industrial standards in solid state electronics (semiconductor, memory), established for more than 50 years, is a global organization. The standards it has formulated are many industries take over and adopt. It's technical data are open and free of charge, only some of the data need to be charged. So you can go to the official website to register and download, the content contains the definition of professional terms, product specifications, test methods, reliability test requirements... It covers a wide range of topics.

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JEP122G-2011 Failure mechanism and model of semiconductor components

Accelerated life tests are used to identify potential semiconductor failure causes in advance and estimate possible failure rates. The relevant activation energy and acceleration factor formulas are provided in this section for estimation and failure rate statistics under accelerated life tests.

Recommended equipmenthigh and low temperature test chamber, hot and cold shock test chamber, highly accelerated life test chamber, SIR Surface insulation resistance measurement system

JEP150.01-2013 Stress test drive failure mechanism associated with assembly of solid state surface mount components

GBA and LCC are attached to the PCB, using a more commonly used set of accelerated reliability tests to evaluate the heat dissipation of the production process and product, to identify potential failure mechanisms, or any reason that may cause error failure.

Recommended equipment: high and low temperature test chamber, hot and cold shock test chamber, highly accelerated life test chamber

JESD22-A100E-2020 Cycle temperature and humidity bias surface condensation life test

Test the reliability of non-sealed solid state devices in humid environments through temperature cycling + humidity + current bias. This test specification adopts the method of [temperature cycling + humidity + current bias] to accelerate the penetration of water molecules through the external protective material (sealant) and the interface protective layer between the metal conductor. Such a test will cause condensation on the surface. It can be used to confirm the corrosion and migration phenomenon of the surface of the product to be tested.

Recommended equipment: high and low temperature test chamber

High and Low Temperature Test Chamber

JESD22-A101D.01-2021 Steady-state temperature and humidity bias life test

This standard defines the methods and conditions for performing temperature-humidity life tests under applied bias to assess the reliability of non-airtight packaged solid-state devices (e.g., sealed IC devices) in humid environments.

High temperature and humidity conditions are used to accelerate moisture penetration through external protective materials (sealants or seals) or along the interface between external protective coatings and conductors and other through parts.

Recommended equipment: high and low temperature test chamber

JESD22-A102E-2015 package IC unbiased PCT test

To evaluate the integrity of non-airtight packaged devices against water vapor in a condensed or saturated water vapor environment, the sample is placed in a condensed, high-humidity environment under high pressure to allow water vapor to enter the package, exposing weaknesses in the package, such as delamination and metallization layer corrosion. This test is used to evaluate new package structures or updates of materials and designs in the package body. It should be noted that there will be some internal or external failure mechanisms in this test that do not match the actual application situation. Since absorbed water vapor reduces the glass transition temperature of most polymer materials, an unreal failure mode may occur when the temperature is higher than the glass transition temperature.

Recommended equipment: Highly accelerated life test chamber

Highly Accelerated Life Test Chamber

JESD22-A104F-2020 Temperature cycle

The temperature cycle (TCT) test is the reliability test of the IC part subjected to extremely high temperature and extremely low temperature, back and forth temperature conversion between the test, the IC part is repeatedly exposed to these conditions, after the specified number of cycles, the process is required to specify its temperature change rate (℃/min), in addition to confirm whether the temperature is effectively penetrated into the test product.

Recommended equipment: thermal shock test chamber

Thermal Shock Test Chamber

JESD22-A105D-2020 Power and temperature cycle

This test is applicable to semiconductor components affected by temperature. In the process, the test power supply needs to be turned on or off under the specified high and low temperature difference conditions. The temperature cycle and power supply test are to confirm the bearing capacity of the components, and the purpose is to simulate the worst situation that will be encountered in practice.

Recommended equipment: thermal shock test chamber

JESD22-A106B.01-2016 Temperature shock

This temperature shock test is carried out to determine the resistance and impact of semiconductor components to sudden exposure to extreme high and low temperature conditions. The temperature change rate of this test is too fast to simulate the real actual use. The purpose is to apply more severe stress on semiconductor components, accelerate the damage of their vulnerable points, and find out the possible potential damage.

Recommended equipment: thermal shock test chamber

JESD22-A110E-2015 HAST highly accelerated life test with bias

According to JESD22-A110 specifications, both THB and BHAST are used to test components at high temperature and humidity, and the test process needs to be biased to accelerate the corrosion of components. The difference between BHAST and THB is that they can effectively shorten the test time required for the original THB test

Recommended equipment: Highly accelerated life test chamber

JESD22A113I plastic surface mount device prior to reliability testing

For non-enclosed SMD parts, pre-treatment can simulate the reliability problems that may occur during the assembly of the circuit board due to the damage caused by packaging moisture, and identify potential defects in the reflow assembly of SMD and PCB through the test conditions of this specification.

Recommended equipment: high and low temperature test chamber, hot and cold shock test chamber

JESD22-A118B-2015 Unbiased high-speed accelerated life test

To evaluate the resistance of non-airtight package components to moisture under non-biased conditions, confirm their moisture resistance, robustness and accelerated corrosion and aging, which can be used as a test similar to JESD22-A101 but at a higher temperature. This test is a highly accelerated life test using non-condensation temperature and humidity conditions. This test must be able to control the rising and cooling rate in the pressure cooker and the humidity during cooling

Recommended equipment: Highly accelerated life test chamber

JESD22-A119A-2015 Low temperature storage life test

In the case of no bias, by simulating the low temperature environment to assess the ability of the product to withstand and resist low temperature for a long time, the test process does not apply bias, and the electrical test can be carried out after the test is returned to normal temperature

Recommended equipment: high and low temperature test chamber

JESD22-A122A-2016 Power cycle test

Provides standards and methods for solid-state component package power cycle testing, through biased switching cycles that cause uneven temperature distribution inside the package (PCB, connector, radiator), and simulates standby sleep mode and full load operation, as well as life cycle testing for associated links in solid-state component packages, This test complements and augments the results of the JESD22-A104 or JESD22-A105 tests, which cannot simulate harsh environments such as engine rooms or aircraft and space shuttles.

Recommended equipment: thermal shock test chamber

JESD94B-2015 Application-Specific qualifications use knowledge-based testing methods

Testing devices with correlated reliability testing techniques provides a scalable approach to other failure mechanisms and test environments, and life estimates using correlated life models

Recommended equipment: high and low temperature test chamber, hot and cold shock test chamber, highly accelerated life test chamber



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