The role and advantages of architectural paint thickeners

 Construction paint thickener is a water-based polymer material composed of polyurethane. It is a thickener developed by Nanhui in order to help most of the coating manufacturers to improve the quality of their products, increase the production efficiency, make the production cost lower, and gain the recognition of customers. So this issue will explain what is the construction paint thickener and its role.

The role of architectural paint thickener

Construction paint thickener can improve the rheological properties of the paint, help to improve the pseudoplasticity of the paint, and at the same time make the paint storage stability, to avoid the settlement of the filler in the paint. In the spraying process, it can help the atomisation of the water-based paint, on the other hand, in the construction process, it can prevent the paint from hanging, flowing and splashing, increase the fluidity of the paint, and ensure that the paint has good construction performance. And give the coating good mechanical properties and storage stability, is conducive to the storage of paint.

The use and advantages of building coating thickener

1. Construction coating thickener is widely used in the coating industry, such as water-based industrial coatings, printing coatings, architectural coatings, leather coatings, adhesives, lacquer coatings, other water-based systems.

2. Good colour retention performance, low additive quantity, high cost performance;

3. Fast thickening, less PH value restriction, wide application range;

4. Good dispersing performance, low dosage, strong permeability, good film-forming property;

5. Stable thickening performance; good gloss, does not affect the original colour of the product;

Click on the related products links: RK-857 (Water Based Defoamer Emulsion) / RK-801 (Efficient Antifoaming Agent Emulsion)



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