Is the membranes a must for manual resuscitator/ambu bag |

 The answer will be negative.

Winner manual resuscitator, including the silicone resuscitatorSEBS resuscitator and PVC resuscitator will be properly functioned without the membranes.And we suggest not to have this membrane on the patient valve for two reasons,

1. The membrane will cause difficulty in oberseving if patient vomits.
That part should be transparent visible.

2. The Expiratory resistance will be increased if with the membrane as the membrane will block the exhalation channel slightly.

Yet, Winner still offer the optional of membrances just to meet the customers’s using habit. The customers are accustomed to using the manual resuscitation bag with membranes which were produced by other factories for many year.

Silicone Manual Resuscitator Ambu Bag



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