6 Ways To Be Better With The Bag-Valve-Mask | Winner-medi.com

 1. Be aware of the components of the Bag-Valve-Mask

The main component is the self-inflating bag/manual resuscitation bag
The masks themselves can come in a range of sizes and designs.
Oxygen inlet at one end with tubing attached.
Air intake valve at one end which is what allows the self-inflating bag to self-inflate.

Oxygen reservoir bag which helps to ensure that the patient is breathing the maximum amount of oxygen available and if necessary rebreathing the minimum amount of their own gases.

2. Patient positioning

Hyperextension of the neck. The ear of the patient should be level with the sternal notch in order to ensure that the plane of the mouth and the larynx are in alignment.

3. Use of adjuncts

Another simple way to improve the patient’s airway is to use some airway adjuncts. These would be the guedal airway and the nasopharyngeal airways.

4. Apnoeic Oxygenation

That benefit is increased time before the patient begins to desaturate during the procedure, thereby allowing the practitioner more time to pass the tube.

5. Thenar eminence grip

The better grip would be the thenar eminence grip. With this method, the facemask is first placed over the bridge of the nose and mouth and then held in place using a jaw thrust manoeuvre with the index and second finger of each hand and maintaining mask contact using the thumbs.

6. Two person technique
One person will hold the mask in place and the other will then squeeze the bag valve mask. This approach is superior to the one handed technique.

Winner bag valve mask/ambu bag, make your rescue easy and efficient.

artificial respirators (simple respirators)



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